Important Update Regarding Your Loan
Effective September 17, 2024, your loan was transferred to a new lender, 21st Mortgage Corporation. Reliant MH is no longer accepting payments or servicing your loan.We understand that changes like this may come as a surprise, but we are confident that the transition to 21st Mortgage Corporation will be seamless. They are fully prepared to offer you the same high level of service you’ve come to expect.
A letter from 21st Mortgage Corporation was mailed earlier this month with all the details regarding this transfer, including your new loan # and instructions on where and how to send future payments. Please review the updated payment options listed below:
Updated Payment Options
Online Payment
Pay by Mail
Send all payments due on or after September 17th to 21st Mortgage Corporation at this address:
21st Mortgage Corporation
P.O. Box 148
Memphis, TN 38101-0148
You will receive a 21st Mortgage coupon book. Until you receive your coupon book, please include your new 21st Mortgage loan number on your payment to ensure proper credit to your account.
Pay by Phone
Automatic Draft
The transfer of your loan does not impact any of the terms of your mortgage agreement. Your interest rate, payment schedule, and other conditions remain unchanged. The primary change is that 21st Mortgage Corporation will now manage your loan, including handling payments and providing customer support.
Thank you for being a valued customer, and we appreciate your understanding during this transition.
If you have questions or need assistance, please contact 21st Mortgage Corporation at 800-955-0021 extension 2900.
© 2024 Reliant MH. Reliant MH is a division of United Community Bank
NMLS ID #421841